GWYOA Spring Gala Concert

Sunday, April 28, 2024 2:00 pm
David Geffen Hall, Lincoln Center, NYC

Spring Gala Concert Videos by Jeremy Goldsmith, Tabby Media

Westchester Elementary Strings

Westchester Junior Strings

Westchester Youth Symphony

Download Concert Program Here


Performance Schedule


David Geffen Hall opens to audience:               1:45 pm

The Westchester Elementary Strings:             2:00 pm

The Westchester Junior Strings:                     2:45pm*

The Westchester Youth Symphony:              3:45 pm*


* Anticipated starting time, performances will not begin earlier.

Ticket Information


Seating is “General Admission.”  (Lincoln Center’s ticket purchasing system may require you to select a seat from a seating chart, but there will be no assigned seats.)


Tickets purchased at the:

Box Office cost:          $45.50  ($42.00 + $3.50 David Geffen Hall facility fee)

Website cost:              $52.00  ($42.00 + $3.50 David Geffen Hall facility fee + $7.50 Centercharge fee)


Tickets available at:  GWYOA Spring Gala Concert · Lincoln Center

For any questions or assistance with ticket purchases, the Lincoln Center Box Office is ready to help.


Box Office Location: David Geffen Hall, Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, West 65th Street and Broadway, New York, NY

In-person Hours: Monday–Saturday, 10:00 am–6:00 pm, and Sunday, noon–6:00 pm. The box office remains open 30 minutes after the start of any performance.

Phone: If you have any questions about this event, please contact Guest Experience at 212-875-5456 or

Accessibility: The venue offers inclusive design and accommodations, including accessible seating, braille and large-type programs, assistive listening devices, hearing loops, and tactile maps.

Tickets can also be purchased on the day of the concert at the David Geffen Hall Box Office, located on the right side of the entrance lobby.  Will-call tickets will be available at the box office.  


Children 7 years old and under may receive a free ticket at the box office.  


You do not need to purchase a ticket for your performing GWYOA musician(s).  If you plan to stay for later performances, you need to save a seat, with your family, for your orchestra member. 


The GWYOA and David Geffen Hall are not responsible for lost or misplaced tickets.  Tickets are non-refundable.


Accessibility - Accessible seating is available.  Headsets installed with receivers are also available.  

Lincoln Center seeks to create an inclusive experience for audiences by providing a range of accommodations—no request necessary.  If you require any additional accommodations, please contact or 212-875-5375.

Concert Attire Requirements 

All musicians should arrive at the buses in full concert dress.

Any musician not in required attire will not be permitted to go on stage.



Black or navy pants, black socks (covering the ankle, please) and black shoes, white shirt with conservative, straight tie, and black jacket. Shirt must be tucked inside pants. 


OR:  All white blouse, black shoes, black skirt (knee length or longer).  


Please note: Black leggings do not conform to this dress code. No athletic shoes/ sneakers.  



Black suit (or black jacket/ trousers), white button-down shirt, long tie (doesn't need to be black), black socks (covering the ankle, please) and black shoes. 


OR:  Black dress (3/4 sleeved or longer). Dress must be mid-calf to floor length. Black hose, black shoes. 


OR:  Black skirt (mid-calf to floor length) and black blouse (3/4 sleeved or longer). Black hose, black shoes. 


OR:  Black concert trousers and black blouse (3/4 sleeved or longer). Black socks and black shoes.   


Please note: Black leggings do not conform to this dress code. No athletic shoes/ sneakers.   



What Musicians Should Bring
Please put your name on your belongings.






ES lunch time:  11:00am - noon (1 hour)


JS lunch time:  12:45pm - 2:15pm (1.5 hours)


YS lunch time: 11:45am - 3:15pm (3.5 hours)


Do NOT bring:  music stands 


David Geffen Hall House Rules


* Please do not try to go backstage.  NO parents or families are permitted backstage or in green rooms. Only personnel on approved security list are allowed backstage.


* Musicians will NOT be allowed to exit David Geffen Hall to buy lunch or meet a friend/family member prior to their performance.


* Late arrivals to the concert will be seated by the ushers when there is an appropriate break in the program.  


* David Geffen Hall will open for seating at 1:45 pm.  All seating is general admission. 


Transportation to David Geffen Hall 

It is STRONGLY PREFERRED that your musician(s) ride the buses provided from Westchester Community College parking lot #4 (same parking lot as rehearsal) to David Geffen Hall the morning of April 23rd.


Please arrive ON TIME at WCC for the trip to David Geffen Hall.  We are on a tight schedule and buses cannot wait for latecomers. 


Arriving at Lincoln Center together allows conductors to warm up their orchestras.  It also allows the stage crew to confirm stage setup (chairs & stands) for each orchestra.


If it is necessary that your child NOT ride the bus, YOU MUST notify your conductor/parent liaison using the Bus Intent form (will be emailed by liaisons). 


All musicians (bus riders and drop offs) must enter David Geffen Hall through the stage door entrance (below).


The GWYOA will NOT provide transportation back to Westchester
from David Geffen Hall.

Guest entrance:                   10 Lincoln Center Plaza, New York, NY  (1941 Broadway)

Musician (stage door) entrance:   132 W. 65th St, New York, NY

Bus and Schedule Information

Buses will be departing from:  Westchester Community College Parking Lot #4 - (same parking lot as rehearsal) 75 Grasslands Rd, Valhalla, NY 10595 


If you were expected to take the bus but have a change of plans, please contact your orchestra's conductor or a liaison ASAP. 



Attendance taken at WCC: 8:30 am

Bus departs WCC: 8:45 am

Arrive at David Geffen Hall: 10:00 am

Stage sound check: 10:30 am

Performance begins: 3:45 pm


YS Contacts:           

Conductor: Kathleen Feldman ,

Parent Liaisons:   Farhad Ameen,
  Elena Inoue,

Sujatha Thalappillil,


Attendance taken at WCC: 9:30 am

Buses depart WCC: 9:45 am

Arrive at David Geffen Hall: 11:00 am

Stage sound check: 11:30 am

Performance begins: 2:45 pm


JS Contacts:               

Conductor:   Jacqueline Stern,

Parent Liaisons: Katrina Choi,
Candy Huang,

    Victoria Kravitz,


Attendance taken at WCC: 9:30 am

Buses depart WCC: 9:45 am

Arrive at David Geffen Hall: 11:00 am

Stage sound check: 1:00 pm

Performance begins: 2:00 pm


ES Contacts: 

Conductor: Bernard Klinger,

Parent Liaisons: Ying Yang,

    Min Lucy Luo,


All musicians must be met by a GWYOA volunteer at the stage door entrance. 
If you are unable to arrive on schedule, you must contact your parent liaison ASAP.


Dismissal Procedure

A parent/guardian MUST meet their orchestra member(s) immediately after their performance (not at the end of all three performances).  Musicians will gather their belongings and remain in a chaperoned group until a parent/guardian meets each child.  Instruction on where to meet your musician(s) will be announced on the day of the performance.  Musicians with a bass or cello who are staying for the rest of the concert may leave their instruments in the “Green Room” area until after the concert. 


Musicians will gather their belongings and be dismissed to the lobby after their performance. Please arrange to meet your Youth Symphony musician in the lobby area after he/she has retrieved his/her belongings from the warm-up room. Musicians are the responsibility of the parent once they have been released. 


Parents: Please do NOT try to go backstage to get your child. Security will not allow you backstage.
Keep in mind it may take several minutes for the musicians to get off stage, get to their warm-up room, pack up, and be escorted to the meeting place.


We hope you enjoy the show!